Faith Groups: Supporting your Members’ Mental Health
The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health, as we all grapple with the challenges of increased isolation and uncertainty. However, here at FaithAction, we feel that faith groups can play a significant role at this time in supporting those struggling with […]
Faithful Leaders: Andy Street
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel Singleton speaks with Andy Street, chair of several charities and social enterprises in Bristol, on his faith and ‘joining the dots’ between faith groups, charities, businesses, and government across the city.
The FaithAction Team: How We’re Surviving – and Thriving!
On our daily Zoom meeting yesterday, we asked the FaithAction team to change their background to their favourite place they have ever been to. These included Croatia, the Alps, Disney World and Yosemite National Park! The 1st of January 2020 was not just the start […]
Turbo-charged social prescribing
After the initial deluge of activity surrounding the UK government’s ‘lockdown’ in response to the coronavirus and the massive changes to life that incurred as a result, the attention of policy-makers has moved to the impact of the virus, the lockdown, and wider life around […]
#FaithInNHS Poster Competition WINNER!
Last month, we announced our #FaithInNHS poster competition and we asked you, our members, to get involved. You did not disappoint! We have had so many great entries from our members and their children, who took the time to create a poster displaying their faith […]
Harnessing Spiritual Capital in the War on COVID-19
Dave Mann, a local pastor at Bonny Downs Baptist Church, in partnership with four churches, runs a free food service that has been oversubscribed by residents who have no recourse to public funds, the elderly and vulnerable, and those waiting for their benefits to come through. He described how the joy on the faces of children […]
Staying connected, building community
I have been a Creative English Trainer at FaithAction for a year now, but it’s fair to say my job has changed quite significantly in the past month or so! Up until then, the highlights of my week usually looked something like this: on Mondays, […]
What Does My Faith Group Currently Advise?
The coronavirus pandemic is something which has affected all areas of society and individual life. FaithAction have a page dedicated to providing you with the most up to date advice about the pandemic, alongside specific advice for your faith group. You can visit this page […]
Faithful Leaders: Prof. Karise Hutchinson
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel Singleton speaks with Prof. Karise Hutchinson, Provost of the Coleraine campus of Ulster University, about leadership in a time of crisis. She shares her reflections on faith and her sense of hope for recovery in the UK after the current crisis.
Making a Difference in Uncertain Times
There is a certain pride I feel when I see the way that those who work in the voluntary sector and in faith organisations respond to a crisis like that which we are facing. It is not a wrong, boastful pride but a ‘settled rightness’ […]