Serving our local communities
The thing that all faiths have in common is the recognition of the need to reach out to the “widows and orphans” in our society: those who find themselves in a difficult position and who need some support to get back on their feet again. […]
Reaching beyond organised volunteering
A family member once told me that she did not feel that she could continue with the volunteering that she was doing at a local charity. She felt she just didn’t have the capacity any more. But, as a stay-at-home mum, she was running back […]
What is the cost of welcoming refugees?
“And I have a sharp pain here,” I say, pointing to my shoulder. I’m mid-explanation of my symptoms to the woman in the white coat in front of me. I’m taking part in a role play with a learner, modelling how a conversation with a […]
Can online digital platforms ever replace real community?
The answer from sections of the platform at the #exploringbelief conference that I attended a few weeks ago was a resounding no! I am inclined to agree. Justin Brierley, of Premier Radio, reported that the famous Christian theologian, NT Wright, in answer to a listener’s […]
UK National Marriage Week 2019: Recipe for a Healthy Marriage
Michaela Hyde is UK National Marriage Week coordinator and Project Director for Marriage Foundation. Follow her on Twitter @MichaelaHyde. If you’re anything like me, you’ll enjoy a happily-ever-after story when two people, desperately in love, decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together […]
Mental health needs communities
As Mental Health Awareness Week gets underway, Rodie considers how faith communities can respond. For more information on faith and mental health, see our Friendly Places pages. After much talk about ‘parity of esteem’ for mental and physical health, mental health is finally becoming an […]
Featured member – Saathi House
Zoya* had always endured hate-crime, she was so used to it that a while back when it got very bad she just accepted it. Zoya came to learn English in the Creative English classes at Saathi House and after a few weeks told her tutors […]
A new season brings new staff
2019/20 is shaping up to be a great year for FaithAction, as we begin rolling out our largest ever Creative English programme at 55 locations across the UK, thanks to funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. This also means FaithAction has […]
What if we could combine two superpowers?
I have a friend who’s a pharmacist. She’s passionate about ensuring people take their medicines correctly, so that they get the full benefit from them and stay as healthy as possible. But she knows that this often doesn’t happen: for example, a mere 7% of […]
It’s right in front of your nose! Faith-based activity in society
At FaithAction, we have an important role in getting behind what you – our members – are doing out in the streets and byways of our nation. This means we offer support by giving advice, channelling funding when we can, providing training and representing you […]