
The Spider-Man of the 18th

This week, we witnessed Mamoudou Gassama, a migrant from Mali, hit the headlines – with an extraordinary video of him scaling four stories up the side of a building in Paris to rescue a four-year-old child dangling from a balcony. This remarkable feat of resourcefulness […]

Resources for Dementia Action Week

This is Dementia Action Week, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to highlight some of the great resources that are available on dementia and are particularly suitable for faith groups to make use of. With dementia being a growing social issue, it’s likely that […]

Pause, Breathe and Respond

At FaithAction we are always keen to hear of examples of mental health services and faith groups working together: something that connects with our Friendly Places initiative and our work with mental health charity Mind. In this guest blog, Don de Silva, a Buddhist university […]