
Up for the taking… a vote!

I’m a registered voter, always vote and take pride in having my say at the polling booth! More recently I’ve taken joy in taking my son to tell him the importance and explain why we do it. However, I’m sick of politicians. I’m sick of […]

SATs – When teachers don’t teach

Despite all the effort I gave as a student, at GCSE, A-level or degree, I was never an ‘A’ grade student like some of my friends. My effort was not going to be enough: I was restricted with the brain power I had. However, SATs are about the progress of students in a school. They help give the school a place on the league tables, not the students.

What makes media social?

Faceache, Twitbook, Instamatic…What?! I don’t even know what people are talking about – even less why I should use them. They’re all for teenagers right? Why can’t people just pick up the phone? Sound familiar? It certainly elicited a lively discussion and question time with […]