
Bullying is not ‘just banter’

A couple of weeks ago, it was Anti-Bullying Week. Like mental health issues, which affect one in four of us, bullying affects many of us at some point of our lives. As parents, it is very hard to watch your child face this most cruel of ‘rites of passage’ – and thankfully we no longer accept bullying as an inevitable experience of childhood.

Fighting feelings of paralysis one cup of tea at a time. A response to Louise Casey’s review

Speaking of her visits to the Calais Jungle, Sharon Kanolik from The Old Vic/The Young Vic said, “I felt more welcomed than I have anywhere else. People invited me into their tents and offered me food. There were lots of moments of hope and humour, meeting bright resilient people.”

What a difference a faith makes….

Today, NPC launched ‘What a difference a faith makes – insights on faith-based charities’—a pretty timely report that works to highlight the work of faith-based organisations. I’m often asked what I do for a living—and when I explain I work for FaithAction, I usually get […]