
16 days of action and faith

It is currently the 16 Days of Action, a period of time between 25th November and 10th December where there is an increased focus on domestic abuse and the affects it has. I’m a firm believer that it takes all of us to not only […]

Trump… Triumphs…

I’ve blogged before about the States and my love for that country, and anyone who knows me knows that I completely love The West Wing – however I cannot seem to understand what’s happening in America today. By the way – all the views expressed […]

Belief Isn’t The Problem… Practice Is!

While at University, I was challenged by one of my lecturers, “What I can’t understand is why someone of obvious intellect can believe in this stuff?”. He was talking about my faith, and I have to admit he did not receive a suitable response, as I was somewhat chuffed about being called intellectual (it hadn’t happened before and it hasn’t happened since!)

Equal Access to Healthcare

We are two weeks into August but already a lot has happened in terms of rights to accessible healthcare. For the past 3 years, I have been working closely with NHS England on the development of the Accessible Information Standard – a Standard which became fully mandatory on the 31st July.