16 days of action and faith
It is currently the 16 Days of Action, a period of time between 25th November and 10th December where there is an increased focus on domestic abuse and the affects it has. I’m a firm believer that it takes all of us to not only […]
Trump… Triumphs…
I’ve blogged before about the States and my love for that country, and anyone who knows me knows that I completely love The West Wing – however I cannot seem to understand what’s happening in America today. By the way – all the views expressed […]
Belief Isn’t The Problem… Practice Is!
While at University, I was challenged by one of my lecturers, “What I can’t understand is why someone of obvious intellect can believe in this stuff?”. He was talking about my faith, and I have to admit he did not receive a suitable response, as I was somewhat chuffed about being called intellectual (it hadn’t happened before and it hasn’t happened since!)
How Can Faith Communities Help Break Down Stigma Around Dementia?
This week I was at a discussion at Public Health England focused on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and dementia. There were representatives there from across the health system, as well as large and small voluntary organisations. But as always with these things, […]
The Power of Testimonials
I’ve just spent a happy hour reading the testimonials from the last cohort of Creative English participants. What an uplifting experience. To give you a flavour… Creative English is very good, because I can talk more confidently to others. And I’m confident to going shopping […]
NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo
Last week, the FaithAction team led the charge of the voluntary sector descending on the NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo, a yearly event taking place in Manchester which brings together different parts of the health and care sector to talk about innovation. This year’s Health […]
Equal Access to Healthcare
We are two weeks into August but already a lot has happened in terms of rights to accessible healthcare. For the past 3 years, I have been working closely with NHS England on the development of the Accessible Information Standard – a Standard which became fully mandatory on the 31st July.
Can refugees ever belong?
As I walked into the community café, I saw Rima huddled awkwardly in a corner. I’d met her before. She was living with a friend from my church who had welcomed her into her home and was supporting her in settling in the UK. Today […]
Reacting with Hope
Never before can I remember a time when the question ‘What is the world coming to?’ seemed more appropriate than the last couple of weeks. Yesterday came the news of the killing of a Catholic priest in Normandy, the latest in a string of attacks. […]
If you follow me on Twitter, you will see a few retweets about Kate Granger, a woman who is terminally ill with cancer – but this isn’t what is going to define her. Kate is behind the #hellomynameis campaign, which has completely redefined what ‘care’ […]