
The Cost of Society

This week, I visited the GP, and while I was in the waiting room, a conversation between a mum and her young daughter made me think! The child asked her mum, ‘Who pays for them? How do they make their money?’ while pointing at the […]

FaithAction’s Health Team on the Road!

Earlier this month, Felicity and I were at the NHS Expo in Manchester. The Expo is a conference and exhibition for anyone involved in NHS services, from health professionals, local government and industry to the patients themselves, and of course, the voluntary sector. The Department […]

The Unrecognised Potential of Faith

I may have not been around FaithAction for long, but I have observed something that bugs me a tad. It’s faith-based organisations (FBOs) not being realised for the potential that they have, whether it being others recognising them or them recognising it themselves. Very often […]