Why should the Voluntary Sector go to the Expo…?
So… the NHS Expo seems to be everywhere at the moment and so it should be! With under a month to go, the programme and information for the largest health and social care event in the country is coming together. It’s shaping up to be […]
Loud and Proud: Faith’s achievements and why I won’t stay silent
When we talk about being proud of something, we all too often mistake it with an arrogant pride. C. S. Lewis describes pride as the ‘central sin’ and warns against it. But I want to encourage faith groups that it is time to be proud, […]
FaithAction Proud to Launch New Publication on Faith and Domestic Abuse
Today, FaithAction is launching our new publication ‘Faith and Domestic Abuse: Recommendations for Faith Leaders’, and it’s a fantastic conversation starter about an issue that often goes under-the-radar or even is just not talked about. FaithAction got into this work because some of our members […]
The Difference Creative English Can Make
There is one thing that strikes me most when I visit the Creative English hubs. It doesn’t matter whether the hub is in Bradford or Bristol or Luton or Lancashire – the thing is just how much fun the learners have. The learners and the […]
What Faith Organisations Do Best
There’s a building I know in Dagenham. It belongs to a faith-based organisation, who’ve had it for a number of years. And it’s a brilliant example of why faith centres are the best places to connect with people. Faith centres are always about people. And […]
Why Measure?
We know that faith-based organisations are involved in a huge variety of social action work up and down our country. The Cinnamon Faith Action Audit report calculates that the time invested by faith groups into their communities through social action projects is worth over £3 […]
The Wealth of Health We Already Have
Away from the battle ground of health policy, faith communities are involved in improving well-being by just being themselves. This last week I was part of a FaithAction team that headed up to sunny Dudley to do a workshop for Friendly Places. The journey gave […]
BanD Together
One of our FaithAction members launched a new initiative today, and I wanted to take some time to explain it and why it’s exciting! Community Resources, based in East London, founded the CommunityConnect initiative – developed to tackle the lack of connection between organisations that […]
Volunteers’ Week and the NHS
This week is Volunteers’ Week – a week where we can focus on the input and support that volunteers give our communities across the country. This morning, I heard on the radio a result of some research done by the Royal Voluntary Service which said […]
Planning Ahead: Lasting Powers of Attorney
The following is a message from the Office of the Public Guardian. Planning ahead is important – Can you help us reach more people with this important message? We never know for sure what the future holds for us. One day many of us will […]