
When the shoe doesn’t appear to fit…

Recently, myself and a FaithAction colleague went to a National Summit on Wellbeing and Mental Health, looking at Public Health England and how mental health is being prioritised in the new public health system. At first, we felt like the odd ones out in a […]

You like austerity!

“You like austerity!” This was the essence of a charge put to me recently. I was flabbergasted; then my accuser quoted one of my oft-used phrases: ‘faith is the first in and the last out’. I could see what was being said, but context is […]

Why do I do what I do?

Last night, my husband and I had a few friends over for dinner.  He works in the banking industry and she is a teaching assistant.  After dinner, we got chatting about work and how it’s going and I shared a little bit of what FaithAction […]

Guest Blog: Derek Markie on Sharing Faith

Following graduation from University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology in 1970, Derek Markie pursued an engineering and management path for 20 years with 6 years at director level. In public life, he has had leading roles in local churches and voluntary organisations, and […]

The Mandela I Knew

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies” — Nelson Mandela What a great thing to be able to say you met Mandela – I never had that opportunity, but have met people who have. My wife has an uncle […]

Feed Into Our National Work

We know that you have great case studies and good ideas. Over this year we have sent out invitations to contribute to national consultations and feed into the work that we’ve done around working with local authorities, public health and volunteering. Thank you to everyone […]

The Philosphy of Rom Coms

I found myself watching a romantic comedy the other night. It’s one I have seen once or twice before. Although this can be a painful experience, as I knew what was going to happen, I started to see the contradictory ideas in the film. I […]

I’m not political, but…

When we were treated to the press conference in the garden at No. 10 in May 2010, I was lulled by the ‘together in national interest’ statements. There were various pundits talking about how Clegg and Cameron got on well and that it did not […]