
Observations on Faith and Mental Health

As a partner of the Department of Health, at FaithAction we want to explore how faith groups can support and improve the health and wellbeing of their communities. You don’t have to look far to see the significance and prevalence of mental health problems in […]

The Blame Starts Here

Every Friday, I usually receive a news magazine that I subscribe to; however, a few weeks ago, it did not arrive. For whatever reason, my news and commentary was lost, and as I was busy ferrying kids around, I was not caught up with the […]

You said, we did…

Reviewing our work with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society this week, I was struck by the main findings from our last year of work. It is clear to see how these needs are now reflected in work done both within FaithAction […]

Urgh! Another survey…

In the past 7 months, I have encountered hospital services twice. Each time, I have been given a survey to complete.  One was after the birth of my son – definitely not a time when you want another piece of paper flung at you – […]

Hot Hot Hot!

It’s getting hot hot hot!  Everyone is talking about the weather at the moment… the news, friends, colleagues… and me!  I called my 84-year-old Grandma yesterday to check that she was doing okay in the heat and that she was getting enough liquid and shade; […]

On Networking

There is one thing we all have to do – and I suspect on certain days, we all hate it – and that’s networking. At FaithAction, we frequently go to events, meet members, and go to conferences, and there is often the time to ‘network’ […]