Fast Track to Funding in Birmingham
Last week, we held our first Fast Track to Funding session in Birmingham, and it was great to have such an amazing group to kick off with. The Fast Track sessions were first run a number of years ago, when we became aware that quite […]
Keeping Our Feet Dirty
As a teacher and practitioner at heart, there are times when I want to get away from policy, theory and strategy and get cracking on the ground. That’s why, in the FaithAction team, we are keen to get out and see members in their own […]
Diary of a Creative English Trainer: Day Six
Day Six Celery and Cat Slippers in Newham! We now have a small core group, with new ones being added. They are all delightful! Took in a whole bunch of celery today, since hardly anyone had recognised this food card in last week’s activity. We […]
Diary of a Creative English Trainer: Day Five
A brand new hub opens in Newham! Day Five This Tuesday saw the opening session of the first Creative English Hub in Newham, with our very first eight learners. They were all very tentative and nervous, but seemed to enjoy the poster-making activity (which tells […]
Guest Blog: The Carers Week Quest
Helen Clarke, Manager at Carers Week, writes about the work done each year for Carers Week (9th – 15th June) and the new Carers Week Quest to support carers. Helen can be reached at [email protected] or on 020 7378 4955. Did you know that every […]
Diary of a Creative English Trainer: Day Four
It’s amazing what you can do with a tablecloth! Day Four Today, the class numbers swelled to 17. All our original students are attending, plus a whole load more. Plus our new trainer, Bobby, has come along to see how we work. Plus Gwyn and […]
Diary of a Creative English Trainer: Day Two
Chickens and sardines are the order of the day! Day Two The Loxford Children’s Centre staff have excelled – practically standing room only today! We’ve gone from six to sixteen learners! And still just one gentleman (albeit a very brave and tenacious gentleman!) We were […]
Diary of a Creative English Tutor: Day One
Toilets 0 : 2 Volunteers And it’s a win at Loxford Children’s Centre, Ilford! Day One Arrived in South Ilford in good time to set up. No toilets – disaster! Then discovered that timings, dates, rooms, and staffing had all changed… But hey, I’m a seasoned […]
What’s Going On…?
You may have noticed that FaithAction has been on a bit of a journey recently and we have grown! For years, FaithAction was quite a small operation with only a few staff…well, owing to our two new programmes – Together in Service and Creative English […]
When the shoe doesn’t appear to fit…
Recently, myself and a FaithAction colleague went to a National Summit on Wellbeing and Mental Health, looking at Public Health England and how mental health is being prioritised in the new public health system. At first, we felt like the odd ones out in a […]