
What really matters?

I must admit to getting a bit bored recently. Bored, that is, with last week’s focus on the topless picture of the Duchess of Cambridge and this week’s rolling story of MP Andrew Mitchell’s mouthing off at the police. Are we not in danger of […]

Volunteers and The Games

It’s been great to see how the volunteers at the Games have hit the headlines.  As someone who experienced the Olympic park first hand, I can testify that they were amazing in creating an atmosphere and ensuring that everyone had a good time. The Games […]

Are you happy yet?

The ONS published its Well-being survey this week, but there has been little fanfare about it. This is due the focus on the Olympics, which in itself, could contribute to a more positive feeling about life. I am no expert in these thing, but I […]

The Fonz did not free the slaves

I was recently doing some kids work with a group of fifteen 7- and 8-year-olds. The group leader decided to play an icebreaker game for my benefit, where each child would impersonate an animal through sound and action; a good opportunity for me to learn […]

The Race Equality Foundation: After the Riots

On January 21st 2012, in London, the Race Equality Foundation held their After the Riots conference, discussing the riots of August 2011 and their implications for race equality. More information on the conference can be found here. This week, the Race Equality Foundation announced the […]

Local Healthwatch – Why get involved?

What is it and what should I do? Healthwatch is one of the new structures being put into place in April 2013 in the Health and Social Care Landscape. Local Healthwatch organisations will be designed to be the local consumer champion, to strengthen the voice […]