Café Connect – Welcoming Hong Kongers
We have been thrilled to see Café Connect groups launch in three regions of the UK to welcome Hong Kongers into the UK, by providing a place to practise conversational English, make friends, meet local people, find out about systems and services and learn about […]
Integrated Care Systems, what’s the plan?
When it was published in 2019, the NHS Long Term Plan set the pathway for a transformation in the way that health and social care is delivered. As part of the changes, NHS England and NHS Improvement committed to the roll out of Integrated Care […]
As we continue to deliver our local Healthwatch service, have you spoken with yours?
All over the country, local Healthwatch services provide a strong voice for all age groups in the community including children, young people and families within a national Healthwatch framework. FaithAction has delivered the Healthwatch service in Barking and Dagenham for the last 5 years. We […]
The uncanny joy of meeting
Over the past two years, we’ve learned that we can do so much remotely, particularly when it comes to what we thought of as office-based work. We can have meetings, we can hold workshops, and we can hire and fire people. I even know some […]
The Disparaties White Paper: have you spoken to us?
Trying to influence government policy is not very glamorous. And sometimes, it can feel like an awful lot of work for little reward—at the end of the day, there’s nothing you can point to and say, “Look, we did that!”. In our years of working […]
You’d be daft not to!
Having been working at FaithAction for over a decade, I sometimes have to remind myself that not everyone knows of and appreciates the amazing things that faith groups do, day in, day out. When the APPG on Faith and Society commissioned the report, Keeping the […]
Faithfully responding to crisis?
As the shock of the first week of the Russian invasion of Ukraine starts to fade, we have opportunity to be more considered in our responses. Despite the warnings from Western governments and intelligence services, many of us were shocked when the full-scale Russian invasion […]
Café Connect: Welcoming new arrivals from Hong Kong
FaithAction are very pleased to announce we have been awarded three contracts as part of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Welcome Programme from the Regional VCSE Grant Scheme. The programme will be run through partner organisations in […]
Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery: Why we commissioned this paper
Today, we launch our new report—Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery—in partnership with the Guild of Health and St Raphael. Revd Dr Gillian Straine, CEO of The Guild of Health and St. Raphael and originator of The Healthy Healing Hub project gives us some background on […]
“That’s nice—what do I do with it?”- Reflections on the Faith Covenant
Have you ever found yourself opening a gift from a friend or relative and thinking, “That’s nice—what do I do with it?” This Christmas, I opened a large box to discover a strange metal object within. My family—my wife in particular—looked on with bated breath […]