It’s the General Election! Have Your Say … Before You Have Your Say

It isn’t often that, at FaithAction, we get a chance to comment on the news whilst delivering a survey report. As we’re keeping the surveys open for a while longer after today’s election, it gives everyone a chance to keep responding to the survey.
Here are some of the Survey results so far …
No matter who forms the next government, we have plenty of comments, opinions and thoughts as expressed by you over the past five weeks to feed back.
What matters most to us?
Health in general has, by far, been the most popular theme. Even when we added it to the Cost of Living survey, Health came out as one of the top three concerns in the UK today.

Having said that, only 4 people selected Health at first – by far the most popular first choice was Cost of Living. If we were to assume first selection meant first priority, that would be the overall leader.
We will be writing the survey results up in a report - keep an eye out
Some more of your thoughts ...
Very grateful for Street pastors - and organisations working to address knife crime - be good to see these wise voices influencing government and police decision making.
I hope the new government will review the inequality issues in the justice system - not least around unfair jury selection for racially motivated crimes.
Facilitate public meetings about crime prevention in churches and church halls. Have police officers for drop-in sessions.
Prison visiting, and helping to get victims and perpetrators together.
We have a retributive justice system. We need a restorative justice system. Our prisons are overcrowded with short-term offenders, who reoffend when they return to the community, because there is so little integration or proper rehabilitation.
Policing - we need more officers to enforce the law and to deter criminals and the public is protected.

About David Simmons
Senior Project Coordinator
Having spent the first years of his professional life in the City of London, David has spent the past 19 years working in the Voluntary Sector, as a children and family practitioner, and latterly as a social researcher, for which he was awarded a PhD in 2013 with the University of Greenwich.
He runs his own company, Absolute Communication, and has worked with Cinnamon Network, Eido Research, Future Perfect, REACH Community Projects, Refresh in Weymouth, Yeovil 4Family, and Sussex Police, among others.
David is also a musician, singer, songwriter, and actor, having co-produced three musicals, and has also produced a one-man version of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.