We Asked … You Said: Insights from Our Research

In the weeks leading up to the General Election, through a series of weekly surveys, we asked our members what they would like a future government to focus on.

Coming out prominently from the early results were the Cost of Living, Housing, and far beyond all others, Health.

We also asked you to write thoughts and comments about the things you felt were important.

From the comments, the word cloud for the overall themes is interesting, in that the most prominent word is “people.” This reflects the community focus of many of the organisations who participated. “NHS”, “health”, “social” and “housing” are also high within the cloud.

The word “people” continued to be prominent throughout all the qualitative responses.

During the following weeks, we covered faith and civil society, health, the cost of living, education, and crime and justice. 

"Faith groups are propping up the country."

"The government needs to understand that faith communities are the key to unlocking many of the hardest to reach in our neighbourhoods."

"More faith groups should have a voice as school governors, take part in school events and create more school inter-faith groups."

"There are still a lot of taboos around getting support for mental health in my community which must be addressed."

"(Faith groups can help) by offering hope, pastoral care, a sense of community, and where possible practical help, e.g. with advice, form-filling, clothing and food banks."

"So much of our education seems to be a focus on passing the exam - rather than learning ... our children are not well set up to be the workers and citizens of tomorrow."

About David Simmons

Senior Project Coordinator

Having spent the first years of his professional life in the City of London, David has spent the past 19 years working in the Voluntary Sector, as a children and family practitioner, and latterly as a social researcher, for which he was awarded a PhD in 2013 with the University of Greenwich.

He runs his own company, Absolute Communication, and has worked with Cinnamon Network, Eido Research, Future Perfect, REACH Community Projects, Refresh in Weymouth, Yeovil 4Family, and Sussex Police, among others.

David is also a musician, singer, songwriter, and actor, having co-produced three musicals, and has also produced a one-man version of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.