Focus Group: Multi-Faith

Wednesday, 21st April 2021
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Book / More Info

12th April is the next major date in the roadmap announced by the Prime Minister in February. Groups of 6 can meet outdoors, retail, personal care businesses and hospitality provided outdoors can start to re-open. For faith groups, weddings with up to 15 guests will now be allowed and all children’s activites will be allowed to restart.

However, this will only occur if the goverment believe that any relaxation will not lead to a massive increases in cases.

What do you think about the relaxations? Are you planning on making use of any of these newly relaxed restrictions? Will you be reopening your childrens’ work? Do you have a community centre which can now open it’s doors again?

However, if the government has delayed the decision to allow the relaxation of restrictions, do you believe they have made the right decision?

Come and share your views.

Please Note:

We will be recording these sessions for our records. This recording will not be shared with anyone outside of FaithAction without your express permission.

We may take a screenshot of these sessions to share on social media. We will inform you in advance and give you the opportunity to disable your camera if you so wish.