NHS England Stakeholder event – proposed changes to legislation

Tuesday, 16th April 2019
10:00am - 2:00pm

The NHS Long Term Plan included suggested legislative changes to help implement the Plan faster and more effectively. Interested members of the public, along with NHS staff and partner organisations, are being invited to give their views on the proposals.

NHS England and NHS Improvement are running a national event aimed at people who work in and use NHS services. Participants will hear directly from NHS leaders about proposed changes to legislation in order to improve the planning and delivery of care. There will also be group discussions so that people can explore the plans in more detail.

The event will be from 10am-2pm in central Leeds on 16 April 2019. Places are limited, so if you are interested in attending please email [email protected] to find out how to book a place.

You can also read more information about the proposals on the NHS Long Term Plan website and then complete an online survey to share your views. The deadline for responses is 25th April 2019.

Further information is also available to download here.