Sustainability: Caring for the Planet – Bahá’i event

Thursday, 12th November 2020

As part of Inter Faith Week, there are some forthcoming Bahá’i events.

Sustainability: Caring for the Planet


To join, please use the Zoom ID 323 275 0271 and Passcode 2020

About the speakers:

Les Gornall

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and winner of the ADBA AD Hero of the year award 2016, Les lives in Magherafelt and has been building anaerobic digesters since 1978. In the early 1980’s, his work on farm waste digestion at the University of Ulster led to N. Ireland’s award winning farm digester and in-vessel composter at Bethlehem Abbey for which he was awarded his Doctorate.. He patented designs for digester components, in-vessel composter technology and the use of gas engines for odour control and built an innovative plant in Warringstown that ran for over 18 years, a local record. Les  is now regarded as a world expert on the subject of biogas and anaerobic digestion. Speaking of his delight at having been awarded the prestigious title from peers within the anaerobic digestion industry, Dr Gornall said: “I have tried to live by the Baha’i ideal that ‘Man is organic with the world. His inner life moulds the environment and is itself also deeply affected by it.’


Ian Holland

Ian Holland is a Senior Advisor to the United Nations with exemplary 25 years service leading strategic partnerships, policy and programme design, implementation and management in international development.