Faithful Leaders

Behind the scenes
It is often true that the real, heroic, life-changing stuff happens behind the scenes, usually without fanfare or even recognition. Over the years, there has been work done here at FaithAction, work that has been important to me, that was done because I believed it […]

Faithful Leaders: Gurdeep Singh
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel speaks with Gurdeep Singh of Gurdwara Aid. Gurdeep talks about his faith and beliefs, the work of Gurdwara Aid and the effects of COVID on gurdwaras, and what the Sikh community offers to society. Follow on Twitter: Daniel […]

Faithful Leaders: Shermara Fletcher
For Faithful Leaders this week, Daniel speaks with Shermara Fletcher, Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations at Churches Together in England. Shermara speaks about her own journey with faith, how different faiths can co-exists, how to form relationships across communities, and how recent […]

Faithful Leaders: Lord Greenhalgh, Minister for Faith
Lord Greenhalgh was appointed Minister for Faith on the eve of the initial lockdown in March 2020. One year on, Daniel asks what his first year as Minister has been like: what lessons he has learnt, what has surprised him most, and what role his own personal faith has played throughout the crisis.

Faithful Leaders: Revd Dr Gillian Straine
This week, Daniel spoke to Revd Dr Gillian Straine – Anglican priest, physicist, cancer survivor, and director of the Guild of Health. Gillian shared her thoughts on the role her faith has played during her life and work, especially through experiences of suffering during the past and the present crisis.

Faithful Leaders: Deepak Naik
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel speaks with Deepak Naik, a community leader from Coventry and one of our Community Champions about COVID, the vaccine, and what positives we can take from the crisis.

Faithful Leaders: Dr Daniel DeHanas (Part 2 of 2)
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel continues being interviewed by Dr Daniel DeHanas, Lecturer of Political Science and Religion at King’s College London, on faith and Brexit, politics and leadership.

Faithful Leaders: Dr Daniel DeHanas (Part 1 of 2)
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel is interviewed by Dr Daniel DeHanas, Lecturer of Political Science and Religion at King’s College London, on his faith and the role faith plays in policy and leadership.

Reintroducing our Faithful Leaders podcast
Recently, we have spent a lot of time emphasising the role that faith communities have played in responding to the pandemic. We have also been eager to remind people of the role they played prior to the pandemic and ought to play after it (see […]

Faithful Leaders: Prof. Jim McManus
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel once again speaks with Prof. Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire on lockdown, vaccines, government and faith.