Government launches civil society strategy

The Government announced this week that a new civil society strategy will be launched to coordinate and improve how public sector bodies interact with the charity sector.
Tracey Crouch, the minister responsible for civil society, said that a key focus for the strategy would be coordination between different branches of government to enable them to work better with charities. She said the strategy would focus not just on registered charities but on communities and individuals who wanted to contribute, and that one of its key areas of focus would be on increasing participation.
The next step will be a ‘listening exercise’ to discover what the key issues facing the sector are, and work out how the strategy should address them. This will launch in the new year, with recommendations to be published later in 2018.
The work will be coordinated by the Office for Civil Society, in close partnership with other departments, particularly the Department for Communities and Local Government.
FaithAction will publicise the details of the listening exercise once they are available – we know that faith-based organisations form a vital part of civil society and will be encouraging our members to participate in this.
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