Friendly Places Webinar, 17th February

We’re going online with Friendly Places training in February, making it even more accessible to all.
Wednesday 17th February at 1:30pm
This free hour of training will be an opportunity to learn about the role you can play in supporting those with mental health concerns.
Mental health problems are very common, affecting one in four of us every year. Every faith community contains people who have experienced mental health problems, or their family and friends.
Faith groups are places of community, meaning and connection, which makes them ideal for welcoming and supporting those struggling with their mental health.
FaithAction invites you to this free workshop that focuses on the small steps faith groups can take to help them become a more ‘mental health friendly’ place. It is suitable for representatives of all faith groups.
To book a place, sign up via EventBrite here.
For further information email [email protected] or call Rodie on 0845 094 6350.