Bristol University: Faith and Finance – Call for Evidence

We would like your help in completing and circulating a survey on the role of faith organisations in responding to the financial crisis.
This survey sets out to explore how faith organisations are helping those in financial need, or campaigning for the reform of credit and finance services, or promoting alternative (including ethical, faith-based or halal) forms of finance.
The survey is for a research project that is being carried out by a research team at the University of Bristol, which consists of Therese O’Toole, Stephen Jones (Newman University) and Katya Braginskaia. Details about the project are available on Public Spirit:
The project is funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust through its Resources and Resilience programme. The aim of that programme is to support effective approaches to reducing economic and social injustice and building resilient communities.
The survey can be completed in about 15-20 minutes (with options for more detailed responses if you wish). Your answers will be anonymous – except where you choose to share information about your organisation’s activities or initiatives, and then only after we have discussed and agreed with you how we would report any details that you provide.
A link to the survey, which can be completed online, is here:
We would be happy to arrange for you to conduct the survey by post or phone – please contact Katya Braginskaia to arrange this, by email: [email protected], or phone: 0117 33 10477.
The research findings will be made available on Public Spirit, and via a free report that you can download, or you can request a free hard-copy to be posted to you.
We hope that this research will increase awareness and understanding of the varied contributions of faith organisations in responding to the impact of austerity. We very much hope you will participate in the survey. We would appreciate it if you could forward the link to the survey to any interested groups or initiatives in your networks.
Please do get in touch if you have any queries about any aspect of this research.
Many thanks in advance for your help,
With best wishes,
Therese O’Toole
University of Bristol
[email protected]