Funding Round-up

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is offering funding to voluntary organisations in order to aid the research into learning disability and to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disabilities or autism. For organisational/project funding up to £10,000, applications may be submitted at any time. For organisational/project funding over £10,000, the next deadline for application is 1st July.
The BBC Children in Need Small Grants Programme offers grants of up to £10,000 to non-profit organisations for work that helps children and young people suffering from illness, abuse or neglect, disability, behavioural/psychological difficulties, and/or deprivation. The next deadline for applications is 1st June 2016.
The Discovery Foundation (formerly the Santander Foundation) has launched a new community programme, the Discovery Project (combining its previous grant schemes), which offers grants of up to £5,000 to registered charities, CICs, and credit unions to support community projects helping disadvantaged people. Grants are awarded on a rolling monthly basis.
The Church of England has launched a new phase of its ChurchCare grants for fabric repairs, offering support for essential repair work in architecturally or historically significant Anglican churches across the UK. Next deadline for applications is 12th September 2016.
The Peter Cruddas Foundation is offering grants to projects that support disadvantaged and disengaged young people into education, training or employment and help with employability. The next deadline for applications is 1st September.
The Shine Trust has re-opened its Let Teachers SHINE competition to teachers in England, which will award up to £15,000 to 10 winning ideas for raising the attainment of disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy, and/or science. The deadline for applications is 27th April
Regional Grant Schemes
London – London Diocesan Board for Schools – grants of up to £500 for individuals at CofE schools to cover cost of school trips, music tuition, and maintenance costs. Schools may apply on behalf of individuals. Deadline 30th June. More info
Exeter – Exeter Board Community Grants – grants of at least £500 to community-led groups delivering projects to benefit vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the city. Deadline 26th May. More info