New volunteer service for London launching soon

Recently, our National Executive Director Daniel Singleton met with John Coleby, Director of Caritas Westminster, and amongst the topics discussed was this exciting new volunteer initiative.
In the Autumn, Caritas Westminster, the social action agency of the Diocese of Westminster, will be launching a new service to help supporting volunteering in the Catholic community in London and Hertfordshire. The Caritas Volunteer Service is free and open to all, and will enable organisations to post details of volunteering opportunities. Volunteers will then be able to search through these opportunities to find ones suitable for them. The Service will also be holding volunteer training events in association with the Jewish Volunteer Network to help encourage more people to volunteer.
To support the launch, Caritas Westminster are holding an event for interested organisation to explain more about the service and show them how to use the website to register volunteering opportunities. The event will be held on Wednesday 14th September from 2pm to 3:30pm, at Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN. If you would like to attend, RSVP to [email protected] by 9th September.