SAFE – Supporting Affected Families from Extremism

SAFE is an independent, dedicated family support service that specialises in tackling extremism and terrorism of all kinds.

Michael Evans, who lost his brother to extremism after he left his family home in Buckinghamshire to join Al-Shabaab in 2011, is leading the SAFE project to ensure that other families are not left feeling alone and unsupported.

Who is SAFE for?

If you have lost a loved one to extremism or terrorism or if you are concerned about an individual who may be influenced by extremist ideology or groups of any kind, SAFE can help.

There is a direct and free helpline service for families to speak openly about their concerns, however big or small.  Please call 0800 9175 541 to speak to someone from SAFE’s specialist support team.

If you have safeguarding concerns about an individual and do not feel comfortable approaching statutory services, you can also use SAFE’s online ‘self help’ resources on issues such as ‘keeping safe online’, ‘starting a dialogue’ and ‘identifying vulnerabilities’

For further information, visit