Using digital technology to help patients  

NHS Digital is using social media to help raise awareness of how digital technology can benefit patients, and save the NHS time and money this winter.

You can help the NHS spread this message by using a social media toolkit — equipped with example Tweets, graphics, a video, and links to websites containing valuable information.

The focus is on two main products/services:

  • Encouraging patients to ask their GP to add additional information to their Summary Care Record – meaning clinicians have instant access to the most important information about a patient, such as allergies and medication, when the patient attends an unscheduled care setting
  • Encouraging GPs and pharmacists to talk to their patients about the benefits of Electronic Repeat Dispensing

The campaign is running two hashtags – #UseSCR for messages related to the Summary Care Record, and #UseERD for messages related to Electronic Repeat Dispensing.

Download toolkit