New resource for families who care for disabled people

Sense, our partners in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have created a new resource to support families. Many disabled people are cared for by their families. Family members play a key role in enabling and empowering them, becoming experts in their care.

However, few families have felt able to put plans in place for the future.

  • 7 million disabled people are supported by their friends and families.
  • 75% have no plan for the day when support is no longer available.
  • 67% of carers have profound fears about what will happen to their relative when they are no longer able to provide care.
  • Two thirds of local authorities are unaware of how many disabled adults in their area are currently being cared for by family and friends at home.
  • Only a quarter of councils routinely provide support to make contingency plans for future care.

Sense has published a report, When I’m Gone, which explains the issue in detail, tells families’ personal stories and sets out recommendations for change.

It has also produced a toolkit called Decisions to make, steps to take. This is aimed at disabled people and their families, to guide them through the process of making choices about the future.

Find out more and download resources at