Building Health Partnerships: interim findings

Across eight areas of England, the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) and Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) are helping to build relationships between local people, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) with the aim of improving local health services.

The Building Health Partnerships: Self Care (BHP) programme consists of a series of partnership and core group meetings, with people in each area working together to identify improvements to self-care at a local level, drafting action plans and beginning to deliver on their agreed goals.

Using action learning approaches, the Programme supports tangible improvements to the design, commissioning, and delivery of local health services

Jointly funded by NHS England and Big Lottery Fund, the BHP programme has developed interim findings to share the learning from cross-sector collaborative working. Each STP footprint has focused on a specific area of self-care, including peer support in mental health care, carer-friendly services, and social prescribing to support a good life in old age. These interim findings highlight examples of activity so far and areas that will be explored in the upcoming months.

For more information about the programme, including information from each STP footprint, visit