Supporting carer involvement in secure mental health services

NHS England has launched a ‘secure carers toolkit’ that provides information about how carers of people who use adult secure services should be involved, supported and empowered.

Carers can make a vital contribution to the commissioning process as experts by experience. Their involvement helps to ensure positive healthcare experiences and can support the recovery of the service user. The toolkit has been developed in response to carers saying that they want providers and commissioners to be more aware of the contribution they can make, and the importance of being involved in the care of their loved ones.

The toolkit has been co-produced with a range of stakeholders including carers, the University of Central Lancashire and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. It is accompanied by two short films that highlight what it feels like to be a carer of someone in secure mental health services.

Read a blog post about the toolkit, carers and the important part they play in the NHS, written by Neil Churchill (Director for Participation and Experience at NHS England)