FaithAction e-news… tell a friend!

How many of you have received the ‘we’re sad to see you go’ emails due to the new GDPR policy? But we’re sure you’ve still found your inboxes filled with loads of junk that you didn’t realise you had ‘resubscribed’ to, right?  Unlike others, we have only kept those who opted in on our lists! But that means we are more keen than ever to make sure our weekly e-news gets to everyone who could benefit.

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So, why not pass this on to a friend?

Filled with exciting content about what’s happening in local communities, helpful resources for faith-based and community organisations and of course the latest funding opportunities to apply for, the FaithAction e-news is essential reading for anyone interested in social action.

Because of our relationship with Government departments, it’s also a way of keeping you updated with ways that you can use your voice to make a difference in shaping policy. And we promise – no spam.

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