‘We look after our own’: Dementia in Gypsy and Traveller communities

Friends Families and Travellers (FFT), our partners in the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have produced a briefing paper on dementia.

FFT undertook research to find out more about awareness of the symptoms of dementia in Gypsy and Traveller communities, awareness of ways to reduce the risk of dementia, and to find out more about access to care and support for dementia.

It found that: campaigns raising awareness about risk reduction activities to prevent dementia are often not reaching Gypsy and Traveller communities; a significant number of Gypsies and Travellers would not attempt to access support for dementia because they feel that they would not receive culturally appropriate care; and the majority of Gypsies and Travellers share a strong preference for carers from within the Gypsy and Traveller communities.

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