Nominations for the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friendly Awards are now open

Is your organisation doing great things to be dementia friendly?

Alzheimer’s Society’s 2018 Dementia Friendly Awards recognise, celebrate and promote the inspirational achievements of those uniting to making a real difference to people living with dementia. This year’s awards will celebrate individuals, organisations and communities leading and inspiring a change that will transform the lives of people with dementia forever, challenging misunderstandings, changing attitudes and taking action.

There are two categories to draw your attention to:

Championing Diversity Award

The judging panel will be looking for Dementia Friends champions, dementia-friendly communities and business that have actively included diverse communities. In particular, they’ll be looking at how direct connections with the community have been sought and insights gained have been used to adapt our approach for the benefit of that community.

Dementia Friendly Organisation of the year Award

This award recognises small and medium businesses and/or organisations who have successfully implemented a dementia friendly initiative to be inclusive and support either colleagues and customers affected by dementia or those in the communities they work in. The judging panel will be looking for initiatives which have made innovative changes such as updating processes to better serve customers or staff who are living with dementia, adaptations to physical environment, on-going support of a local initiative or sustainable projects creating legacy.

It’s easy to nominate yourself or someone else, visit

Deadline for nominations close on Monday 20 August 2018