VCSE-led sessions at the NHS Expo

The FaithAction team will be at this year’s NHS Expo – the biggest NHS-led event in the calendar – where we’ll be helping staff the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance stand. The Alliance are also involved in two ‘pop-up university’ sessions at NHS Expo.

The first is being held at 2.15 pm on the 5th of September and looks at how the mental health workforce can help people address the practical problems in their lives

The second is being held at 12.30 pm on the 6th of September and will look at how the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector supports resilience for individuals, communities and specific groups.

Don’t forget that FaithAction members can attend Expo for free – contact [email protected] or call us on 020 8597 2900 to receive the booking code.