Help develop the NICE guideline on shared decision-making

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) produces guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and ill health, and provide social care support. Its guidance is based on research evidence and takes into account the views of people working in or using relevant services, and other stakeholder groups.

NICE has recently started work on a guideline looking at shared decision-making. Shared decision-making puts people using services and their carers at the centre of decisions about their treatment and care.

This is done by ensuring that:

  • care or treatment options are fully explored, along with their risks and benefits;
  • different choices available to the person are discussed; and
  • a decision is reached together with a health and social care professional.

The guideline will identify best practice in this area, drawn from the best available evidence and input from our stakeholders. For more information on shared decision-making and the work NICE has done to date see

Stakeholder registration

Stakeholder registration has opened for this guideline. Your organisation can register as a stakeholder by following the link on the project page for the guideline: This page will be updated with key dates and documents throughout the course of the development of the guideline.

Registering as a stakeholder does not commit you to attending any meetings or other activity, but it is the only way in which you will be able to make NICE aware of your views on its draft documents and receive a response. NICE responds to all comments from registered stakeholders, with comments and responses posted on our website when the final version of the document is published.