Help NHS England spread the word about cancer feedback

NHS England is asking us to help spread the word, right through Autumn, about the importance of hearing all voices in feedback about cancer services.

The push is designed to coincide with the sending out of questionnaires for the national Cancer Patient Experience Survey to an invited group of cancer patients.

It is hoped to encourage more feedback from people from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds who have had cancer treatment. Anything you can do locally to bring this to people’s attention would be greatly appreciated.

Not everyone who has had cancer treatment will be invited to take part in the survey, but there are other ways that all patients can give feedback help to improve cancer care for everyone.

Resources are available to help spread the word about these, so if you can put up a poster, or include something in your social media or newsletter, read on.

You can view and download an A3 or A4 poster, or order printed copies free of charge, by clicking on the links below or by telephoning your order to 0300 123 1002.

The ordering codes for the posters are: BMEA3PSTER for the A3 size; and BMEA4PSTER for the A4 size.

You can also download other materials that might be useful: sample promotional text; digital and print resources – web bannerFacebook promotion image, Twitter promotion image and “advertising” artwork suitable for print publications such as a local community publication or newsletter, available in A5 or A6.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with Gillian Radcliffe, Communications Manager for the Insight & Feedback team at NHS England. If you are able to do anything to support this effort, it would be great if you could please let Gillian know and send copies of any articles or photographs of coverage achieved.