How can the VCSE sector support BME mothers?

Maternity Action, our partners in the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have released a report exploring the difficulties faced by Black and minority ethnic women on low incomes in managing maternal and child health. ‘Mothers’ Voices also looks at the potential of the VCSE sector to contribute to better health for this group.

Maternity Action consulted with 81 women and 20 VCSE organisations across England in 10 focus groups and 20 research interviews. They spoke to asylum-seeking women, Orthodox Jewish women, Gypsy, Traveller and Roma women, women who did not speak English and other groups who are seldom heard in health debates.

Issues that emerged included: experiences of prejudice and discrimination; impacts on continuity of care for women with insecure housing; language and communication barriers affecting care relationships and informed choice; negative impacts of poor employment practices and the benefits system; and the particular challenges faced by women with no recourse to public funds.

The project was funded through the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance and co-produced with Race Equality Foundation and Friends, Families and Travellers, with the support of Public Health England.

Download the report: