Reducing Health inequalities through New Models of Care
A new report from the Institute of Health Equity assesses the potential and opportunities for new care models to drive a health system that focuses on population health, reduces health inequalities and takes action on the wider determinants of health. The report concludes that, if new models of care can capitalise on the opportunities in the new system and deliver these approaches, then overall improvements to health, reductions in health inequalities and reductions in demand for health care services should result. However, currently there is only partial uptake of the available opportunities through existing mechanisms. As such there is scope to further develop action on health inequalities which this report intends to support.
The report adds that, while many of the levers to improve health currently lie outside the remit of healthcare services, there are significant opportunities for healthcare organisations to do far more to improve population health and reduce inequalities in health, and NHSE have acknowledged this. New Care Models, for example, are well placed to build elements of a health system approach through integral mechanisms and approaches.
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