Advance care planning in general practice – does policy match reality?

Compassion in Dying have published a report, ‘Advance care planning in general practice – does policy match reality?‘, based on findings from a Freedom of Information request sent to Clinical Commissioning Groups. 

The research was prompted by frequent reports from people who said that their GPs have been hesitant, not confident or even unwilling to discuss or record Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment forms (often known as ‘Living Wills’) and Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNAR) orders.

The report sheds light on the varying policies and practices that exist between CCGs and makes recommendations on how improvements could be made to support GPs to respect individuals’ end-of-life wishes in line with national person-centred end-of-life care commitments.

Compassion in Dying hopes that this report will prompt conversations about how healthcare professionals, regulators and the voluntary sector might work together to improve the provision of end-of-life care.