Keeping Faith in 2030: call for presenters

In recent years, development agencies and donors in the West have begun to recognise the role of religions, and are now increasingly funding faith-based organisations (FBOs) and projects that include a faith element.

The Keeping Faith in 2030 conference in February 2019 will focus on what faith actors in the UK are doing around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This conference is the fourth and final event of a project – funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK – which aims to enhance international exchange about the role of religions in defining, implementing, and safeguarding ‘sustainable development’, as codified in the UN SDGs.

FBOs and academics are invited to present on the following:

  1. Religions and the SDGs: bridging the gap between global programming and local religious and cultural particularities in India and Ethiopia
  • How do the faith identities of local communities in India and Ethiopia impact upon FBOs’ global programming?
  • How does the global language of SDGs get connected to local religious and cultural conditions?
  1. Faith actors and the SDGs in the UK
  • To what extent and in what ways do faith actors in the UK engage with the SDGs?
  • How are international FBOs focusing on domestic programming in the UK around the SDGs?

For further information and to submit an idea for a presentation please contact Professor Emma Tomalin – [email protected] 

Closing date for proposals: December 15th 2018.

To register, please contact Naomi Popple, [email protected]

Registration is free but places may be limited.

If you are doing work connected with the Sustainable Development Goals, FaithAction would love to hear about it. Please contact [email protected].