Mental Health Access Pack updates

Mind and Soul has updated the Mental Health Access Pack for churches.
Visit the Mental Health Access Pack for:

  • information on common mental health conditions;
  • pastoral tips and pitfalls;
  • theological perspectives on mental health; and
  • printable colour PDFs of the articles, suitable for adding to church resources.

The website has been created to increase discussion and sharing of ideas surrounding mental health and the Church, and to equip the Church with knowledge and tools through theological, psychological and medical perspectives and signposting.

The aims is to enable the Church to support of people in their communities who are struggling with mental health issues. With 1 in 4 people experiencing a mental health issue at some point in their lifetime, this is an important issue for the church to engage with effectively.

Download the pack:

For more on how faith groups can support people experiencing mental health issues, see FaithAction’s Friendly Places initiative.