NHS Assembly announced to help deliver the Long Term Plan

A neonatal intensive care nurse, a GP who champions work with community groups and prominent disability and learning disability advocates are among people from across the country appointed to a new forum which will support delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Building on the collaborative approach to developing the Long Term Plan, the NHS Assembly has been created to advise the Boards of NHS England and NHS Improvement on delivery of improvements in health and care. More than 500 people applied to sit on the Assembly, with the successful applicants chosen based on their individual knowledge, skills and experience.

The Assembly members are drawn from national and frontline clinical leaders, patients and carers, staff representatives, health and care system leaders and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector – and include some of FaithAction’s partners in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

The group will meet for the first time in Spring 2019, and then quarterly afterwards, bringing their experience, knowledge and links to wider networks to inform discussion and debate on the NHS’s work and priorities.

The Assembly will be co-chaired by leading GP Dr Claire Gerada, and former head of The King’s Fund think tank, Professor Sir Chris Ham.

Find out more: www.england.nhs.uk