Survey for everyone with lived experience of a personal health budget

NHS England is running a survey, closing 14 May 2019, to gather feedback about people’s experiences of personal health budgets (PHBs) and integrated personal budgets.

It is open to all current or previous budget holders and those who support them, including those who responded last year. The survey separates out wheelchair budgets from other types of PHB.

As a result of the 2018 survey, NHS England has:

  • Started a new project to explore the challenges people face with recruiting and employing personal assistants;
  • Launched #myPHBstory as a Twitter hashtag to capture and share people’s stories;
  • Executed a series of eight regional workshops across the country to commissioners to help them improve their personal health budgets for NHS Continuing Healthcare – co-produced and co-delivered with people with lived experience of personal health budgets;
  • Developed long-term plans to offer better information, advice and support for those entitled to or interested in a personal health budget;
  • Committed to training more people with lived experience to influence systems and support individuals;
  • Are identifying more ways to improve the quality of information available to personal health budget holders and commissioners who support personal health budgets.

The findings will again be used to improve the support for budget holders and applicants in England.

Take the survey:

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