HWA Closing the Employment Gap for Young People Toolkit

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, the Health and Wellbeing Alliance are launching the ‘Closing the Employment Gap for Young People toolkit’ and a supporting scoping review of evidence.

At least 6.5% of young people age 16-18 are not in education employment or training. The UK has the third highest percentage of early leavers from education and training in the EU and 3/4 of mental health problems start by the age of 24. Young people’s mental and emotional wellbeing can significantly affect their ability to apply for, obtain and maintain work. Particular groups of young people can be more affected by these issues.

As part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance’s additional work programme for 2018/19, the Young People’s Health Partnership carried out work in partnership with fellow Alliance members – the Carers Trust; Friends, Families and Travellers; The National LGB&T Partnership; the Association of Mental Health Providers; Nacro; NAVCA; and The Men’s Health Forum – to develop a scoping review to provide an overview of evidence in this area and a resource to help those working with young people to support them. They spoke to young people, employers, charities, mental health providers and the Department of Work and Pensions to understand the issues young people are facing and what professionals are doing to support them. They also explored new and promising practice to understand what employers need to support them to engage with young people affected by mental health issues.

The resources can be accessed on their website.