Workshops and support for VCSE working in partnerships in STP/ICS

The Health and Wellbeing Alliance have developed a menu of support to inspire and equip health, care and voluntary sector leaders to work in partnership at ICS/STP level to support joint action that improves local health and care priorities.

Webinar: Practice Development Network
23rd May.

Workshop: Support patients with complex needs through the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
13th June; Resource for London, London.

Workshop: How can voluntary organisations engage strategically in health and social care reform?
19th June; LBGT Foundation, Manchester.

Webinar: Leading local healthcare systems through change (Practice Development Network)
25th June.

Workshop: Diagnose conditions earlier with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
3rd July; Leeds Refugee Hub, Leeds.

Workshop: Prevent stroke with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
16th July; Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester.

Workshop: Have your say! (Workshop theme to be set in response to need)
12th September; NCVO, London.

Event: Practice Development Network
26th September; The Priory Rooms Birmingham.