Do you have a workshop idea for IVAR’s conference?

Plans for IVAR’s (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) Transforming Healthcare Together Conference on the 26th of September 2019 are underway and they are keen to hear from anyone wishing to run a session, as well as suggestions and ideas for topics.

They are asking:

  • What knowledge and skills have you developed that might benefit others?
  • What burning issues or trends do you want to hear more about or discuss with peers from the health, care and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector?
  • Where do you most need advice and support?

Please email [email protected] outlining in no more than 150 words:

  • Suggested topic/theme
  • Who the workshop is aimed at
  • General description
  • Whether you would be willing to run this workshop or who you would like to hear from

The deadline for submissions is 21st June 2019 and we will be in touch with you after this date, to discuss your idea further.

Who is the conference for?

IVAR are convening those involved in the Building Health Partnership programme – past, present and future – and other STP/ICS leads, commissioners, clinicians and professionals from the VCSE sector interested or involved in building relationships that transform our healthcare system.

What kinds of things will you cover?

Themes that are of interest based on conversations so far through our Practice Development Network include:

  • Scaling up pilots to an STP or ICS level
  • Evaluation and monitoring
  • Leadership
  • Population Health Management
  • Sustainability

For more information on IVAR, visit