Implementation framework launched for the NHS Long Term Plan

In January, NHS England and NHS Improvement committed to publish an implementation framework for the NHS Long Term Plan, setting out further detail on how the commitments in that document will be delivered. The framework has now been published at

Local systems are working hard to develop their own five-year strategic plans. These plans will clearly describe the population needs and case for change in each area, then propose practical actions that the system will take to deliver the commitments set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

The framework summarises these commitments alongside further information to help local system leaders refine their planning and prioritisation. This includes detail about where additional funding will be made available to support specific improvement priorities and where activity will be paid for or commissioned nationally.

Local systems will prepare draft versions of their five-year plans by mid-September, with final versions submitted by November 2019. These plans will later be published as part of a national implementation plan setting out key milestones and performance trajectories.

Each system is expected to make sure it continues to involve local communities – especially drawing on the expertise of those who provide and use services. More information about this is provided as part of the framework.

Further information about how local systems are taking shape can be found in a new NHS briefing: Designing integrated care systems (ICSs) in England, which gives an overview of the arrangements needed to build strong integrated care systems, setting out the different levels of management that they include.