Nominations for the 2019 London Faith and Belief Community Awards are now open

The Faith and Belief Forum’s annual awards ceremony recognises the creative, generous and vital work of London’s faith and belief communities, by bringing together local heroes and shining a light on their inspirational works. This year, they will be handing out 40 awards of £500. 

London’s diverse and vibrant population powers over 24,000 voluntary organisations. Many are local community projects which draw on their faith or belief as motivation for their work. This work needs to be celebrated and supported now more than ever.

This is where you come in! If you know an unsung hero, organisation or project that deserves recognition for their work, or are part of an overlooked project, this is your opportunity to nominate them.

Click here to read the nomination information and criteria

Click here to nominate your local project

Self-nominations for all categories are welcome so please share this opportunity with your networks and encourage worthy projects to nominate themselves. If you would like to speak more about promoting the awards in your borough, please email Jessica or call 020 7482 9534.

Nominations close on 15th July so don’t miss out on nominating the unsung heroes that make a big impact on your community or local area!