Patient and Public Voice Partners needed for Same Day Emergency Care Programme Board

The Same Day Emergency Care Programme Board is looking for two Patient and Public Voice Partners. All applicants must have a commitment to improving patient & carer experience in Urgent and Emergency Care and to developing excellent public participation, as well as an understanding of national strategy development. Applicants will bring board level experience, with a strategic healthcare focus, strong intellect, commercial and political astuteness, and a willingness to challenge.

The purpose of the Same Day Emergency Care Programme Board is:

  • Provide experience of care perspective to build capability within the programme board.
  • Support the programme board with experience of care expertise in planning and delivery of a nationally led implementation of Same Day Emergency Care models.
  • Support the development of new commissioning models and associated guidance/policy.
  • Support service improvement and new commissioning approaches.

PPV Partners can receive an involvement payment of £150 per day (for those people not representing or supported by an organisation) for an estimated time commitment of 12 days per year. This is in line with the NHS England Patient and Public Voice Expenses policy. Membership of the Programme Board is for 12 months initially, at which point membership will be reviewed.

For an information pack and details of how to apply, please email [email protected] or call 07875 043482.

Deadline for applications is 24 July 2019.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview which will be held in London on 1 August 2019