NHSX and NHS Digital Workshop

NHSX and NHS Digital are committed to working with patients to ensure they meet the goal of driving better health and care outcomes through the use of digital, data and technology.

Their teams are responsible for setting digital and data strategy, policy and standards, and for developing and maintaining digital products and services including the NHS App, NHS login, the NHS website, 111 online, and e-Referrals into secondary care. They want to work more collaboratively with patients at every stage – from creating strategy, to the service design and delivery process, through to implementation and uptake – to ensure people are at the centre of what they do.

They are organising a workshop where they are hoping to bring patients and delivery teams together to co-produce practical guidance. This is likely to include how to identify patients to work with, how to ensure teams and patients get the most out of working together, and any ‘rules of engagement’.

The workshop will run from 11am to 3pm on Wednesday 11th September at Co Space North in central Leeds. No pre-preparation will be required from participants. Attendees will be a mix of patients, citizens, representative organisations and teams from NHS Digital and NHSX.

They will arrange and pay for travel for attendees. Your time would be paid for in line with their usual policy. They will provide a sandwich lunch. If you have any specific requirements or considerations relating to attending then please let them know beforehand.

Please confirm your interest and attendance with [email protected] by 1 August.  If you would like further information about the session, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]