Reminder to give your views: Prevention in the 2020s Consultation

In July, the Government published the Green Paper, Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s , inviting the public to give their views on a series of proposals to tackle preventable ill health.

The paper covers areas such as: new technologies in health care; challenges such as smoking, obesity, mental health; and building a foundation for health in early years.

FaithAction were a part of the discussions that helped shape the paper, through the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, and it’s great to see that faith groups get a mention with reference to tackling obesity. The goal of the paper is to spark discussion, so if you haven’t contributed already, please do. The deadline for submissions is 14th October.

You are of course welcome to respond individually, and you can do so here:

We’d also appreciate if you get in touch with us to let us know your thoughts and concerns in this area, and we’ll raise these ourselves when we make a response.